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Australia: Depth Reprocessing Rejuvenates Gippsland Basin

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The world-class oil and gas fields of the Gippsland Basin, with original recoverable reserves of more than four billion barrels of oil and around ten trillion cubic feet of gas, were discovered following a 1962 2D seismic survey. Despite considerable exploration, it has long been known that unresolved seismic depth imaging issues have had a significant impact on data quality. As a consequence, the province probably has unrealised exploration potential, particularly in the deeper stratigraphic section. The basin-wide Gippsland ReGeneration reprocessing project by CGG has changed the paradigm and the basin is now seen as rejuvenated, with new exploration opportunities and significant upside potential.
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Geo Expro


Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, Jarrad Grahame, Joe Zhou, Nigel Mudge




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