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Outcome-as-a-Service (OaaS)

Guaranteed pricing for your AI and HPC production

Outcome-as-a-Service (OaaS) is a results-based model tailored to your business objectives, offering the advantages of HPC-as-a-Service (HPCaaS) with a focus on enhancing productivity and cost efficiency for the optimal amount of work. 

  • Available on Viridien’s industrial AI and HPC Cloud, fully configured and optimized for each client
  • Customizable KPIs based on your business with guaranteed pricing per outcome
  • Fully managed services including end-to-end support from our AI, HPC and Cloud experts, operating as an extension to your team
OaaS Offering for HPC and AI
OaaS Results-Based AI and HPC Cloud Solutions

Related Resources

At ISC24: HPC & Cloud Experts Unveil AI Cloud and OaaS Innovations

In this interview with HPCwire, Jean-Marc Denis (VP of Sales, HPC and Cloud Solutions) and Xavier Vigouroux (Senior Business Development Manager, AI and Startups) unveil their latest innovations. They discuss the new AI Cloud solution, a powerful industrial cloud for AI production, and Viridien’s Outcome-as-a-Service (OaaS) model, a results-based approach that offers guaranteed pricing based on individual business KPIs, AI and HPC requirements. 

At SC23: Viridien Talks Its New ‘Outcome-as-a-Service’ (OaaS) for HPC and AI

In this interview with insideHPC, Jean-Marc Denis (VP of Sales, HPC and Cloud Solutions) and Xavier Vigouroux (Senior Business Development Manager, AI and Startups) explain how OaaS enables users to transition their HPC and AI workloads to a production-based model aligned with business objectives, avoiding significant CAPEX and unpredictable usage-based billing.

Outcome-as-a-Service (OaaS) for Life Science Flyer

Discover our OaaS model, which emphasizes cloud productivity, with pricing structured around results, not usage. Learn how our experts work with your scientists and business leaders to provide optimized cloud environments, guaranteed at a fixed price per unit of production.