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Corporate Governance

Viridien is listed on the Paris stock exchange and accordingly follows the recommendations of the AFEP-MEDEF Code. Since 2010, Viridien has dissociated the functions of CEO and Chairman.


    The Board is assisted by four specialized committees, the composition of which is established by the Board. The duties and operating procedures of these Committees are set by the Internal Rules and Regulations (PDF) of the Board.

      Corporate Officers’ Remuneration

      February 27, 2025: Statement on Viridien Corporate Officers’ remunerationDownload (PDF)
      March 7, 2024: Statement on CGG Corporate Officers’ remunerationDownload (PDF)
      May 15, 2024: Remuneration policies applicable to corporate officers approved by the Combined General Meeting held on May 15, 2024Download (PDF)
      June 19, 2024: Statement on the grant of performance shares subject to performance conditions for the benefit of the Chief Executive OfficerDownload (PDF)
      June 25, 2024: Statement on the definitive grant of performance shares and stock-option for the benefit of the Chief Executive Officer from plans dated June 24, 2021Download (PDF)


      June 27, 2023: Statement on the definitive grant of performance shares and stock-option for the benefit of the Chief Executive Officer from plans dated June 25, 2020Download (PDF)
      June 23, 2023: Statement on the grant of stock-options and performance shares subject to performance conditions for the benefit of the Chief Executive OfficerDownload (PDF)
      May 4, 2023 : Remuneration policies applicable to corporate officers approved by the Combined General Meeting held on May 4, 2023Download (PDF)
      March 3, 2023: Statement on CGG Corporate Officers’ remunerationDownload (PDF)


      June 23, 2022: Statement on the allocation of stock-options and performance shares subject to performance conditions for the benefit of the Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      May 5, 2022: Remuneration policies applicable to corporate officers approved by the Combined General Meeting held on May 5, 2022 Download (PDF)
      April 13, 2022: Additional information regarding the statement on the remuneration of CGG’s Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      March 4, 2022: Statement on the remuneration of CGG’s Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)


      June 25, 2021: Statement on the allocation of stock-options and performance shares subject to performance conditions for the benefit of the Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      March 5, 2021: Statement on the annual variable compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG for 2020 Download (PDF)
      June 30, 2020 : Statement on the allocation, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance shares to the Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      March 9, 2020 : Statement on the annual variable compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG for 2019 and on the amendment of the contractual termination indemnity of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG Download (PDF)
      February 5, 2020 : Statement on the non-compete agreement of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG  Download (PDF)
      July 2, 2019 : Statement on the allocation, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance shares to the Chief Executive Officer  Download (PDF)
      May 20, 2019 : Statement on the negative vote of shareholders on resolutions N° 13 and 16 submitted to the General meeting held on May 15, 2019  Download (PDF)
      March 12, 2019 : Statement on the variable compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG for 2018  Download (PDF)
      December 14, 2018 : Statement on the defined benefit pension plan to the benefit of Mr. Jean-Georges Malcor (pursuant to the article R. 225-34-1 of the French commercial code)  Download (PDF)
      September 17, 2018 : Statement on the allocation, subject to performance condition, of stock-options and performance shares to the Chief Executive Officer  Download (PDF)
      April 30, 2018: Statement on the compensation of the senior officers ("mandataires sociaux") of CGG  Download (PDF)
      March 29, 2018: Statement on the remuneration of Ms. Sophie Zurquiyah appointed as Chief Executive Officer of CGG as from April 26, 2018  Download (PDF)
      March 12, 2018: Statement on the variable compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of CGG for 2017  Download (PDF)
      December 4, 2017: Conditions relating to the departure of Jean-Georges Malcor as Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      June 6, 2017: Renewal of the severance payment in case of departure of the Chief Executive Officer ; Determination of the performance conditions applying to the supplementary pension plan of the Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      April 21, 2017: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers ("mandataires sociaux") of CGG for 2017 Download (PDF)
      March 3, 2017: Statement on the variable compensation of the corporate officers ("mandataires sociaux") of CGG for 2016 Download (PDF)
      January 9, 2017: Statement on the severance payment in case of departure of the Chief Executive Officer Download (PDF)
      July 28, 2016: Statement on the respective weighting of the qualitative criteria used for the determination of the 2015 bonus of the Chief Executive Officer and the Corporate Officers Download (PDF)
      June 28, 2016: Statement on the allocation, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance units to the Chief Executive Officer and the Corporate Officers of CGG and the 2016 directors’ fees allocated to the Chairman of the Board Download (PDF)
      March 29, 2016: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers of CGG Download (PDF)
      March 21, 2016: Statement on the compensation of the corporate officers of CGG Download (PDF)
      Jul 31, 2015: Statement on the compensation of a Corporate Officer of CGG  Download (PDF)
      June 25, 2015: Statement on the allocations, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance units to the Chief Executive Officer and the Corporate Officers  Download (PDF)
      Mar 30, 2015: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers of the Company  Download (PDF)
      Feb 26, 2015: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers of the Company  Download (PDF)
      Sept 09, 2014: Renewal of the undertaking relating to the contractual severance indemnity of the Chief Executive Officer in case of forced departure from the Company resulting from a change of control or strategy  Download (PDF)
      Aug 01, 2014: Statement on the compensation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company  Download (PDF)
      June 30, 2014: Statement on the allocations, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance units to the Chief Executive Officer and the Corporate Officers of CGG  Download (PDF)
      Apr 07, 2014: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers ("mandataires sociaux") of CGG  Download (PDF)
      July 02, 2013: Statement on the allocations, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance units to the Chief Executive Officer and the corporate Officers of CGG  Download (PDF)
      Mar 20, 2013: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers of the Company  Download (PDF)
      Jun 28, 2012: Statement on the allocations, subject to performance conditions, of stock-options and performance shares to the Chief Executive Officer and the Senior Executive Vice Presidents of CGGVeritas  Download (PDF)
      May 14, 2012: Renewal of the undertaking relating to the contractual severance indemnity of the Chief Executive Officer in case of forced departure from the Company resulting from a change of control or strategy  Download (PDF)
      Mar 05, 2012: Statement on the compensation of the senior executive officers of the Company  Download (PDF)
      Dec 05, 2011: Statement on the compensation of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company  Download (PDF)
      Mar 28, 2011: Statement on the allocation of stock-options and performance shares to the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer  Download (PDF)
      Mar 01, 2011: Statement on the compensation of the Chairman of the Board and the Chief Executive Officer of the Company  Download (PDF)