Mineral Exploration Data
All the mining data you need: Acquired, reprocessed, transformed and integrated
Acquiring new data can often be expensive, time-consuming, and a significant challenge to manage. Extend the reach of your exploration budgets and save valuable time and effort with Viridien’s cutting-edge mineral exploration datasets.
Our integrated, georeferenced database, meticulously curated by subject matter experts, provides you with the tools to focus on what you do best – explore.
With our comprehensive data solutions, you can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of your exploration projects:
- Reduce the need for expensive data acquisition by leveraging our extensive database
- Accelerate your exploration projects with our ready-to-use, georeferenced data
- Make better decisions with comprehensive data organized and curated by our seasoned geoscientists and data specialists
Our innovative mineral exploration workflow integrates seamlessly into your operations, providing a streamlined and efficient approach to data management and exploration.

Need multidisciplinary data for your mineral exploration project? You've come to the right place!
Reach out to us today for a technical overview of our integrated mineral exploration data and discover how Viridien can help you maximize your exploration budget.

Featured Article - Viridien: Opening the Doors to New Exploration
As the energy transition increases the demand for critical minerals, the mining industry faces unprecedented challenges. Viridien supports its clients in meeting these challenges with cutting-edge geophysical techniques, satellite mapping, and AI-driven data transformation to aid in de-risking operations, expediting discovery, and shaping the future of sustainable mining.
Scale, scope and ambition: Southeast Arizona Project
Covering over 55,000 km2 in one of the most active mining regions in the United States, the Southeast Arizona Project will be the last dataset you’ll need to explore a region known for its proven and potential resources.
The project fills the gaps in Arizona’s considerable library of available data with state-of-the-art new high-resolution airborne geophysics, coupled with harmonized multi-discipline geoscience data, to create truly unprecedented seamless data and inversion volumes, with regional coverage at prospect resolution.
Southeast Arizona Project details
The Southeastern Arizona Project brings together all available data for mineral exploration in one comprehensive, consistent, cross-disciplinary dataset. The fully quality-checked, harmonized, and integrated data across disciplines creates a true one-stop shop for mineral exploration.
- Over 275,000 line-kilometers of new airborne magnetics, radiometrics and gravity, acquired on a high-resolution, 200m x 2,000m grid, including line, grid and inversion outputs
- 35 legacy airborne geophysics surveys, harmonized and reprocessed where necessary
- 25,000+ land gravity stations, with associated station and grid outputs
- Completely reworked and seamless optical and multi-spectral satellite mosaics, and associated derivative products, including a bare earth, digital elevation model, drainage, vegetation, and over a dozen mineral and alteration maps
- A fully digital and seamless 1:25,000 geological, lithological, and structural map updated using satellite data
- Reviewed, updated and corrected database of over 35,000 water wells, including digitized harmonized lithology logs
- 150 oil and gas wells, with digitized metadata and wireline logs
- A suite of public domain borehole information, digitized and harmonized, with assay results
- Digitized cross-disciplinary geological and mining data, including geochemistry, geochronology and paleo-data, sourced from almost 1,000,000 pages of public domain data sources
- Extracted data from key technical reports, academic papers, and historical mining documents
- Proposed but not yet available: Over 1,000 full tensor ground MT stations, with overnight recordings for mid-crust illumination