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Extracting seismic uncertainties from tomographic velocity inversion and their use in reservoir risk analysis

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Structural information in seismic images is critical for reservoir delineation, reserve estimation and well planning, but is also uncertain by nature. A cause for this is uncertainty in migration model estimated by tomography that straightforwardly affects position of migrated events, both laterally and vertically. We present a method that accounts for uncertainties in subsurface velocity model estimated by tomography, and translate them into the migrated domain. The method comes with QCs for validating computed attributes before integration with other downstream or interpretative information. The method is then applied to a North Sea area covered by multi-survey data.
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The Leading Edge


Jeremie Messud, Mathieu Reinier, Herve Prigent, Patrice Guillaume, Thierry Coleou, Sylvain Masclet




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