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Greater Johan Castberg area, Barents Sea: Outstanding near-offset coverage and long-offset FWI

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CGG, together with TGS, recently acquired a multi-client TopSeis™ 3D seismic survey in the Barents Sea. The survey, known as “Greater Castberg” was acquired and imaged using the latest advances from CGG's proprietary TopSeis solution. The latest advances include a wide distribution of five sources over the spread together with one source in front of the spread. An early fast-track dataset shows outstanding imaging of the Greater Castberg area’s highly diverse and complex geology. An advanced fast-track volume will be ready for licensing in May and the final dataset will be available in Q1 2021.
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Vetle Vinje, Anna Rumyantseva, Gustav Aagenes Ersdal, Marit Stokke Bauck, Silje Rogne, Idar Kjorlaug




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