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Imaging challenges and processing solution in the Brazilian Equatorial margin: a case study in the Barreirinhas basin

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Barreirinhas basin is located in the north-east of Brazil and is part of the Brazilian equatorial margin, a new exploration frontier with complex geology. This basin is characterized by a rugose water bottom, a fast carbonate platform, shallow gas pockets and a complex channel network. All these elements represent a big challenge for the velocity model building and the imaging of the depositional system. From the pre-processing to the final imaging, high-end technologies were required to meet the processing objectives: 3D de-signature and 3D de-ghost, dip-constrained tomography and FWI, Q tomography and Q-PSDM.
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The Leading Edge


Karine Pereira, Yamen Belhassen, Erick Tomaz, Sonia Domont, Diego Carotti




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