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Maximising land use and minimising its impact

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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just concluded its Sixth Assessment Report Cycle (AR6). The reports making up the AR6 provide the most comprehensive overview of the current state of climate change, its impacts and the adaptation and mitigation options that are available. Each word of the Summary for Policy Makers (SPMs) of these reports is approved by the world’s governments. The IPCC has been clear on the urgency that is required to meet the targets of the Paris Agreement. We have, as a global society, no more than seven years and probably only three years to start drastically reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. If we do not, global temperature change will reach the 1.5⁰C threshold after which climate change impacts will become increasingly more dangerous and difficult to adapt to. As well as the three major AR6 reports, three Special Reports were produced, including the Special Report on Climate Change and Land (SRCCL) which emphasised the use of the land as a key resource.
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David Viner, Alasdair Smith, David Gold




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