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Multi-Sensor Streamer Broadband 4D Acquisition

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The desire to extend all the benefits of broadband 3D data to 4D time-lapse surveys has been hampered by the requirement for repeatability between successive surveys. The use of deep-towed multi-sensor streamers in time-lapse acquisition creates challenges, as the existing baseline surveys will often have been acquired using a shallow-tow streamer. For optimal 4D repeatability, subsequent monitor acquisitions would traditionally be acquired using the same streamer depth as the earlier surveys. We tested recording monitor data at a deeper streamer depth than the baseline survey using multi-sensor streamers, and then redatumming to simulate data recorded at the shallow streamer depth. Following this trial, we went on to acquire three 4D monitor surveys.
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Jo Firth , Gordon Poole , Federico Buriola , Steve McDonald , Paul Fallon , Steve Hollingworth , James Cooper




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