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Norway: New play models for Patch Bank Ridge, east of Utsira High

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NVGS, a recently acquired southward extension of the NVG survey in the northern Norwegian North Sea, is a high-quality broadband seismic data set, which reveals detailed stratigraphy from the Permian Salt to the Quaternary section for stratigraphic and lithological interpretation. In the deeper parts, old basin configurations can be mapped. Including Caledonian fold and faults and Paleozoic basins. The regional scale of the data set makes it ideal for establishing a geological model for this region. Including prediction of potential source and reservoir rocks. Although the North Sea is a mature region, the Patch Bank Ridge area is under-explored.
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Geo Expro


Marit Stokke Bauck, Idar Kjorlaug, Silje Rogne, Anna Rumyantseva




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