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Revealing new hydrocarbon potential through Q-compensated prestack depth imaging at Wenchang Field, South China Sea

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The imaging of the complex fault system plays an important role in hydrocarbon exploration in Wenchang field since the fault system forms a bridge between the source rocks and reservoirs. However, it is challenging to obtain a high quality depth image of the fault system due to the complex depth velocity and Q absorption effect. In this paper, we demonstrate how a combination of Fault Constraint Tomography (FCT) model building flow and Q-compensated High Fidelity Controlled Beam Migration (QHFCBM) work together to provide a step change in the imaging quality and bring significant impact to the reservoir delineation.
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Yitao Chen, Xiaodong Wu, Yong Xia Liu, Jason Sun, Lin Li, Lie Li, Tao Xu, Min Ouyang, Yonghao Gai




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