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Technical Abstract

A 3-stage approach to derive key elastic properties for marine reservoir with faulted overburden

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Seismic inversion transforms seismic reflection data into quantitative rock-property descriptions of a reservoir. Seismic data bandwidth is limited by signal-to-noise ratio, absorption, source wavelet, and shot and receiver ghosts. A typical deterministic seismic inversion workflow fills the low frequencies by extrapolating or interpolating existing well logs along stratigraphic layers. The interpolation result is often biased by the well locations and quality of the well logs and can be affected by the interpolation method. We propose a 3-stage method to minimize the dependency of seismic inversion on a well-log based initial model and improving confidence in the final result.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Yang Song, Yan Liu, Bing Bai, Lingli Hu, CGG; Michelle Abraham, Yafei Wu, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation




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