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Technical Abstract

Adaption-Free Obn Demultiple Using Up-Down Deconvolution and Wave-Equation Deconvolution

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Up-down deconvolution remains a powerful tool for the processing of ocean-bottom node data through its ability to efficiently attenuate free-surface multiples along with the source ghost and signature. Practical receiver-domain implementations in the frequency-wavenumber domain, however, assume layer-cake geology and can leave residual multiples from dipping multiple generators. Using synthetic and real data examples, we examine the layer-cake limitations of receiver-domain up-down deconvolution and propose the use of a wave-equation deconvolution residual demultiple approach. In contrast to many multiple attenuation approaches, the proposed flow does not require any adaptive subtraction for either the up-down deconvolution or the wave-equation deconvolution demultiple steps.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Gordon Poole, Zhaoyu Jin, Andrew Irving, Ramez Refaat




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