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Are we ready for offsets up to 50km? Exploring very far and extremely far offsets in subsalt imaging

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Various far-offset marine acquisition geometries have been widely deemed as promising for alleviating imaging difficulties in deepwater Gulf of Mexico (GOM). However, incorporating very far offsets into subsalt imaging remains challenging. In this case study in the GOM, we explore the benefits of far offsets using ocean bottom node (OBN) data with acquisition offsets up to 25 km and investigate the untapped potential of extremely far offsets of up to 50 km. Using far offsets above 12 km, and up to 25 km was not straightforward, but with some help, they significantly improved the subsalt images and were valuable for building the salt model in this study. Imaging benefits from extremely far offsets up to 50 km were also observed but usefulness for salt model building might be limited.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Min Yang, Chi Chen, Nicolas Chazalnoel, Rachel Ho, Bernard P. Laugier




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