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Technical Abstract

The benefits of simultaneous shooting on land for improved productivity and enhanced data quality through dense source sampling

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Difficulties in processing land seismic data often arise due to insufficient sampling of the wavefield. Fully unconstrained simultaneous shooting offers a way to substantially increase productivity and hence source densities, leading to improved sampling of the wavefield. In order to achieve this we must be able to separate the signal from the interference noise. Using a de-blending routine based on inverse problems in the curvelet domain (Guillouet et al., 2016) the following case study from The Sultanate of Oman demonstrates the benefits of dense source sampling for broadband, wide-azimuth land data acquired using simultaneous shooting.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


D. McCarthy (CGG), A. Berhaud (CGG), S. Mahrooqi (PDO), G. Henin (CGG), J. Shorter (PDO)




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