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Technical Abstract

Correcting severe image distortion via multiazimuth FWI in offshore Senegal

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High-quality depth images typically require accurate high resolution representations of the earth model. Full-waveform inversion (FWI) has recently justified its value throughout the industry in providing high-resolution velocity models. However, obtaining an accurate FWI velocity model using narrow-azimuth streamer data can still be challenging in complex geologic environments. The uncertainties, often caused by relatively low resolution perpendicular to the shooting direction and weaker illuminations areas, instill less confidence for reservoir delineation and depth mapping. In this case study from offshore Senegal, we present a joint velocity (Vp) and epsilon (?) multi-azimuth FWI workflow to construct a high-resolution model to overcome severe image distortion. The updated model improved event focusing and gather flatness and demonstrated significant imaging uplifts consistent with our understanding of the geology in the area.
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SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists


Xiang Li, Keat Huat Teng, Kai Zhao, Shiping Wu (CGG) ; David Dickinson, F. Hasan Sidi (Woodside Energy)




@2021 Society of Exploration Geophysicists