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Technical Abstract

Dynamic-image warping and volumetric Vp/Vs constraint for nonlinear PP/PS tomography

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Serial processing of PP and PS waves leads to depth inconsistencies between the PP and PS migrated images. The link between P- and S-velocity model is the Vp/Vs ratio, whose estimation is an important task in multicomponent analysis because of its applications to lithology and fluid discrimination. We show the advantages of using the Vp/Vs ratio estimated with dynamic image warping as a volumetric constraint for nonlinear slope tomography. Our approach does not require repeated shift estimation between PP and PS events during inversion and does not depend on picked horizons thus reducing human interaction and uncertainty associated with interpretation.d PS events during inversion and does not depend on picked horizons thus reducing human interaction and uncertainty associated with interpretation.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Francesco Perrone, Patrice Guillaume, Tim Seher




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