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Technical Abstract

Geological consistency from inversions of geophysical data

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A subsurface volume that can be reliably interpreted in terms of geologically-relevant attributes is a reasonable objective for products from depth inversion workflows. Commonly the field geophysics data available are inherently non-unique and deficient (noise, aliasing, etc.), so an implementation of some type of constraint is required to encourage reasonable inversion outputs. We illustrate an implementation of cross-gradient inversion where surface geological information is included in the input data set. The basic application covers the usual structural similarity objective – comparing the gradient fields of distinct property volumes derived from different geophysical domains – but a particular advantage comes when including gradients derived from surface or subsurface geology, or any ancillary property set, providing reference gradient control during single or joint domain inversions of geophysical data.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Carsten Scholl, Stephen Hallinan, Federico Miorelli, Don Watts




© 2017 EAGE