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Technical Abstract

Grane PRM: From Acquisition to Interpretation in Record Time

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By August 2014 a full Permanent Reservoir Monitoring system was installed at the Grane field; since going live, five PRM surveys have been acquired. This paper describes how a robust sequence has been designed and optimized, thanks to the successful collaboration between processing (CGG) and interpretation (Statoil) teams. The 4D products are available to the interpreters 8 to 10 days after the last shot. An example is presented, illustrating the value of fast delivery of fresh 4D PRM seismic data; we also discuss a 4D processing designed to address the different acquisition geometries between vintage OBC surveys and PRM surveys.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Madjid Berraki (CGG), Sebastien Buizard (CGG), Jesus Ramirez (CGG), Rigmor Mette Elde (Statoil ASA), Subhro Sinha Roy (Statoil ASA), David Eckert (Statoil ASA), Johan-Fredrik Synnevåg (Statoil ASA)




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