Technical Abstract
High-resolution velocity model building and imaging for injectites in the Central North Sea
Back to Technical ContentVelocity model building in the shallow overburden is difficult in the central North Sea. Shallow waters is tough for reflection tomography, shallow gas pockets cause velocity errors and poor imaging and anisotropy is a guess at best with little shallow well control. We present a 3-parameter FWI workflow addressing velocity, absorption factor (Q), and epsilon. This improves the imaging and positioning of complex injectite structures around 2.5 km depth. We also seek an increased level of detail in the final velocity model for use as a background to AVO inversion.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and EngineersAuthors
S. Bretherton, R. Haacke, B. Xiao, M. Sinha, P. Roy (CGG) ; M. Ackers, C. Ward, A. Fletcher, D. Danchenko (Spirit Energy)