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Technical Abstract

Joint PP-PS-SS Inversion in Native Time Domain Optimizing Registration Through Travel Times Estimation

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Pure S-wave (SS) seismic data have the potential to bring significant uplift to seismic imaging and reservoir characterization. Combining PP, PS and/or SS data in a joint inversion for seismic reservoir characterization presents some theoretical advantages for the estimation of shear-velocity and density related reservoir properties. The inversion stability of the various combinations of seismic modes is compared using a condition number analysis. The biggest challenge of joint inversion comes from the difference in travel times between the seismic modes. To overcome this issue, the joint inversion is performed in the native time domain where the travel times difference between the seismic modes is optimized during the inversion.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Benjamin Roure




©2020 EAGE