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Technical Abstract

Low-frequency phase estimation for broadband seismic using tomography velocity models

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We present a method to estimate and correct the phase of broadband seismic data in the low-frequency range using the tomography velocity model as an analogy for subsurface geology. The high-resolution velocity model is obtained from travel-time tomography and therefore has minimal influence from seismic amplitude and phase in the low-frequency range. We derive a phase-correction operator by matching between seismic data and zero-phase synthetics that are built based on a realization of reflectivity obtained from the tomographic inversion. We discuss the robustness of the method with synthetic data and show real data examples demonstrating improved well-tie and impedance inversion results.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Arash Jafargandomi, Vimol Souvannavong, Henning Hoeber




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