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Technical Abstract

Migration Velocity Analysis with Multiple Modeling: an Inversion Toolbox

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The standard processing approach to transform raw shots records into final products suited to geological interpretation involves cascading numerous steps that can be classified in: pre-processing, which aims at correcting the acquisition imperfections or undesired effects (designature, deghosting, geometry), velocity model building which identifies mapping from the data domain to the depth domain and imaging, which applies this mapping. In this paper we show how a Migration Velocity Analysis (MVA) scheme can evolve into a flexible inversion framework that can perform all three steps by inversions. We demonstrate on a 2D real dataset how it handles pre-processing issues and demultiple, as well as providing the velocity model and image domain final products.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


R. Soubaras (CGG), B. Gratacos (CGG)




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