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Technical Abstract

Multi-vintage coherent noise attenuation in time-lapse processing

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4D seismic processing is designed to minimize non-repeatable noise while preserving real 4D signal. Coherent noise, such as from surface and interbed multiples, has different character from one vintage to another. Mitigating for these unwanted effects in a vintage-independent manner leads to suboptimal 4D results. In Zabihi et al., 2012, a method for reducing residual 4D multiple leakage was proposed. Khalil et al., 2013 expanded its applicability and put it in a feasible workflow. We extend this workflow to a multi-vintage setting including legacy and modern 4D acquisitions with very different 4D noise characteristics.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Henning Hoeber, Adel Khalil, Mark Schons, Shaji Mathew, Steve Campbell, Ellia Gubbala




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