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Technical Abstract

Near-Surface Data-Driven Methods for Surface Wave and Multiple Removal, Onshore Kenya

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Land surface seismic data are usually strongly affected by the presence of surface waves, (ground-roll), which can completely obscure the underlying primary reflection signal. It is therefore crucial to isolate the reflection signal for both imaging and amplitude analysis needs. Complex near-surface conditions complicate the ground-roll attenuation and may introduce other sources of noise such as multiples. We present an application of interferometric ground-roll removal and 3D convolutional de-multiple method on a seismic dataset acquired onshore North Kenya, where the shallow subsurface was characterized by strong heterogeneity and structural complexity.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


M. Miorali (CGG), K. Mills (CGG), M. Igoe (Tullow Oil plc), D. McClymont (Tullow Oil plc)




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