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Technical Abstract

Next Generation Shallow Water Resolution: Primary Wave Imaging and High Frequency Visco-Acoustic FWI

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With many production reservoirs located at a depth greater than 1km, the near surface is often overlooked during seismic processing. Therefore, valuable information relating to shallow geohazards, faults and changes to lithology are lost or unused. We present a new processing methodology to improve the spatial resolution of the near-surface seismic image. The resulting seismic image has high spatial resolution making shallow features highly resolved. The derived velocity model is sufficiently highly resolved to be considered as a tool to aid in seismic interpretation and sediment classification. This comprehensive workflow was essential to overcome the challenges in shallow water acquisition.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


J. McLeman (CGG), B. Xiao (CGG), C. Page (CGG), F. Jouno (CGG), N. Salaun (CGG), A. Roubaud (CGG), F. Perrone (CGG)




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