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Technical Abstract

A Novel Source-Over-Cable Solution to Address the Barents Sea Imaging Challenges; Part 2, Processing and Imaging Results

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This paper is the second part of two papers presenting the new source-over-cable marine acquisition solution. It presents the actual large-scale ~1950 km2 marine seismic acquisition as well as discusses the novel processing and imaging involved with this unique split-spread towed marine data. The acquisition setup consisted of a streamer vessel towing 14 streamers trailed by a shooting vessel in the middle of the streamer spread allowing for both positive-, zero- and negative-offsets to be recorded. Fast track migrations along with early QC and initial demultiple results from the new source-over-cable acquisition data, indicates that the new data delivers on its promises of superior image quality. The benefits are drawn from a multitude of new aspects such as but not limited to split-spread source-over-cable acquisition, dense streamer spacing and deep towed zero- and near-offset recording of energy from the new triple wide-tow-sources with very dense shot point interval using dithered overlapping shots.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


P.E. Dhelie (Lundin Norway), V. Danielsen (Lundin Norway), J. Lie (Lundin Norway), A. Wright (CGG), N. Salaun (CGG), G. Henin (CGG), V. Vinje (CGG )




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