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Technical Abstract

Practical multi-parameter FWI at the South Arne field

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South Arne presents a velocity-model building challenge with large gas cloud obscuring underlying chalk reservoirs. Above the gas cloud is a complex near-surface with lateral velocity (Vp) variations. Additionally, a thin layer of strong anisotropy (peak epsilon around 23 %) occupies a 200-500 m interval in an otherwise isotropic overburden. The velocity model was updated with focus on reducing parameter cross-talk using 2-parameter Vp/epsilon joint FWI, then Vp/Q joint FWI. The FWI is run with combined OBN and towed-streamer input data, using a shot weighting strategy to balance the contributions to the gradient and global cost.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


R. Haacke, A. Riley-Watson, C. Grimshaw, Z. Dobo (CGG) A. King, S. Knapp, C. Schiott, O. Vejbaek, M. Rosengreen (Hess) ; C. Hidalgo (INEOS)




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