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Technical Abstract

Recent Advances in Hydrophone-Only Receiver Deghosting

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Many hydrophone-only receiver deghosting approaches assume a stationary free surface profile, or that the data may be represented by linear events within a small spatial aperture. In this paper we propose methods to address these limitations. Firstly, we describe a data-driven methodology to estimate a time-variant free surface profile which may be used in combination with a modified receiver deghosting formulation. Secondly, we propose the use of a tilted hyperboloidal model of the data, which better represents travel-time moveout at short offsets in shallow water regions. Both methods are illustrated on real datasets and demonstrate more effective deghosting than conventional approaches.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


G. Poole (CGG), S. King (CGG), J. Cooper (CGG)




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