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Technical Abstract

Reservoir characterization through geostatistical and azimuthal inversion techniques - A case study for carbonate reservoir

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This paper describes a successful reservoir characterization workflow where geostatistical inversion was first carried out to characterize caves and vugs, and then azimuthal inversion was used to obtain fractures strike and density. It improves the precision of reservoir prediction, and effectively characterizes the distribution of all kinds of reservoir including caves, vugs, fractures strike and density in the carbonate reservoirs. The predictions are well matched against the reservoir information from a newly drilled well.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


H.L. Gao (Institute of Petrochina Tarim Oilfield Company), G.H. Li (Institute of Petrochina Tarim Oilfield Company), Y.L. Lu (CGG), J. Ting (CGG), X.W. He (CGG), B. Liu (CGG), G.Y. Yu (CGG)




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