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Technical Abstract

Simultaneous Shooting for Sparse OBN 4D Surveys and Deblending Using Modified Radon Operators

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Discusses use of simultaneous-source acquisition for sparse (ROV-deployed) OBN surveys, using time and motion studies to quantify impact on acquisition time. Also describes new technique for sim-src crosstalk noise attenuation using modified Radon operators. Finally, application to Gorgon OBN data for baseline and monitor, with PSDM images and 4D differences. Concludes with a 10 % time saving for sim-src on the Gorgon OBN acquisition, and an additional NRMS penalty on the 4D difference of 6 % after crosstalk attenuation. Without special processing, the crosstalk adds 70 % NRMS to the final images.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Ross Haacke, Gary Hampson, Barbara Golebiowski




© 2015 EAGE