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Technical Abstract

Structurally Conformal Resolution Enhancement with Joint Sparse Inversion

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Removing the band limitation by the seismic source wavelet may further enhance the spatial resolution of seismic images after de-ghosting and amplitude attenuation compensation. In this abstract authors propose a new de-signature method that incorporates structural conformity constraint and sparse regularization into the inversion-based deconvolution to achieve better signal-to-noise ratio and geological coherence in the resolution-enhanced output images. The new method was applied to field data; and compared with an inversion-based method without sparse regularization and structural conformity constraint, the new method gives cleaner and more coherent seismic images meanwhile with broader bandwidth. Acoustic impedance inversion was carried out after de-signature, and a more detailed and coherent impedance volume was obtained.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Can Peng, Bing Bai, Yang Liu, Zhan Fu




© 2016 EAGE