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Technical Abstract

SVD-based Hydrophone Driven Shear Noise Attenuation for Shallow Water OBS

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In this paper, we propose an SVD-based (singular value decomposition) shear noise attenuation method that relies on P to drive the algorithm allowing a good signal preservation on Z. Using a fast SVD kernel, this method is suitable for large datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a dense wide azimuth 3D OBS shallow water acquisition involving 56,000 4-component nodes. The results prove the efficiency of the proposed method in removing shear noise with no damage to the signal.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Alireza Roodaki, Guillaume Bouquard, Oualid Bouhdiche, Raphael Sternfels, Anne Rollet, Abderrahim Lafram




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