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Technical Content

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Peter Mesdag, Leonardo Quevedo © 2017 SEG | November

A new method is outlined that allows you to use isotropic seismic modeling and inversion technology in an anisotropic setting. The method is based on the mapping of the isotropic elastic parameters into effective elastic parameters, appropriate for the expected type of anisotropy. This ...

Industry Article
First Break | Marianne Parsons, Pedro Martinez Duran, Wolfgang Soyer, Gregor Duval © 2017 EAGE | September

A recent 3D Broadseis survey was performed in the southern offshore area of Gabon, showing a wealth of detailed information in the seismic data. Understanding how these structures relate to the tectonic evolution of this basin requires the integration of the concurrently acquired gravity ...

Industry Article
American Oil & Gas Reporter | Graham Spence, Adriana Perez, Paola Fonseca, Liz Roller, Austin Heape © 2017 | September

DALLAS–The great land grab in the Midland Basin has resulted in an exponential increase in acreage prices, with buyers paying up to $60,000 an acre in some cases. In this competitive environment, oil and gas companies–particularly smaller independents–are starting to look for prospective areas ...

Industry Article
Interpretation (SEG+AAPG) | Ping Wang, Shouting Huang, And Ming Wang © 2017 SEG | August

Complex overburdens often distort reservoir images in terms of structural positioning, stratigraphic resolution, and amplitude fidelity. One prime example of a complex overburden is in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, where thick and irregular layers of remobilized (i.e., allochthonous) salt are situated above prospective ...

Industry Article
First Break | Vivek Swami, Graham Spence, Theophile Gentilhomme, Robert Bachman, Mark Letizia, Casey Lipp © 2016 EAGE | July

This study is based on work performed on horizontal wells in the Cleveland Sandstone Formation. Previous work describes the technique of using automated, quantitative mineralogy (RoqScan) to analyse drill cuttings and derive rock property and elastic pseudo-logs to customize completion designs. We expand on ...

Industry Article
First Break | Vetle Vinje, Risto Siliqi, Carl-inge Nilsen, Erik Hicks, Anne Dagny Camerer, Jan Erik Lie, Vidar Danielsen, Per-Eivind Dhelie © 2017 EAGE | June

In this paper we present a new source-over-cable marine seismic acquisition technique that initially was developed to meet imaging challenges of the Loppa High in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Two seismic vessels operate in tandem; one streamer vessel towing a spread of deep, densely ...

Industry Article
First Break | Geoffrey Dorn, Joseph Dominguez © 2017 EAGE | May

The detection and mapping of fractures in migrated poststack 3D seismic data depends on the resolution and signal-tonoise ratio of the data in the seismic volume. A discussion of resolution problems and the limits of resolution in post-stack 3D seismic data, and structurally-oriented post-stack ...

Industry Article
Oilfield Technology | Jo Firth © 2017 Palladian Publications Ltd | May

Seismic Interference (SI) has long been a problem for seismic data acquisition in congested areas such as the North Sea, but thanks to advances in processing algorithms and new cooperative management techniques developed in conjunction with Statoil and RIL, downtime or time sharing due ...