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Technical Content

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Erik Hicks, Henning Hoeber, Marianne Houbiers, Séverine Pannetier Lescoffit, Andrew Ratcliffe, Vetle Vinje © 2016 SEG | October

We demonstrate a 4D FWI technique using a synthetic study involving 3D elastic modeling through a highly realistic Earth model akin to the actual Grane PRM data. For this acquisition configuration, this study also indicates there is minimal sensitivity of the method to various ...

Industry Article
First Break | Reza Saberi, Jimmy Ting © 2016 EAGE | October

This paper reviews elastic property changes in anisotropic mediums and proposes a workflow to model elastic stiffness tensor using conventional well logs in a vertical transverse isotropic medium. The proposed workflow uses the concept of downscaling and then upscaling of normal logs using Backus ...

Industry Article
World Oil | David Spofforth, Jo Firth © 2016 | September

The search for hydrocarbons has spanned vast areas of the globe. Despite many successes, entire basins and plays have been deemed unprospective, perhaps prematurely, based on single well results, or poor-quality seismic data. The advent of broadband seismic acquisition, combined with new deghosting/imaging algorithms ...

Industry Article
GEO | Jaswinder Mann, Aurelien Van Welden © 2016 GeoPublishing AS | September

The Northern Viking Graben seismic dataset was acquired using CGG’s BroadSeis™/BroadSource™ true broadband solution, which combines a multi-level source and curved variable-depth streamer technology with advanced and customized imaging technologies. The dataset covers more than 35,000 km2, spanning both the Norwegian and UK North ...

Industry Article
American Oil & Gas Reporter | HaiHong Wang, Kevin Chesser, Jeff Zawila, Samuel Fluckiger, Gary Hughes, Preston Kerr, Andrew Hennes, Howard J. Tichmarsh, Michael Hofmann © 2016 The American Oil & Gas Reporter | September

DENVER–The economics of unconventional plays can be improved by placing horizontal wellbores to target facies with the most favorable reservoir and geomechanical properties. Recognizing that, an integrated multidisciplinary approach was developed to reduce economic risk, facilitate improved and faster decision making, and enable more ...

Industry Article
First Break | Min Wang, Barry Hung, Xiang Li, Stephane Fintz © 2016 EAGE | September

The aim of this study is to discuss the challenges for interbed multiple attenuation in the Asia-Pacific region. Many possible multiple generators such as seafloor, carbonate layer or volcanic flow are found in the data. Without any prior subsurface knowledge, the ISS method is ...

Industry Article
Geophysics | Nuno Vieira Da Silva, Andrew Ratcliffe, Vetle Vinje, Graham Conroy © 2016 SEG | July

Parameterization lies at the center of anisotropic full-waveform inversion (FWI) with multiparameter updates. This is because FWI aims to update the long and short wavelengths of the perturbations. Recently, there has been an intensive effort to determine the optimal parameterization, centering the fundamental discussion ...

Industry Article
PESA News | Jo Firth, Mark Stanley © 2016 | June

Initial imaging results are deeper and clearer than have been seen in this area before, with enhanced imaging of the Triassic to Lower Cretaceous reservoir units. In addition to demonstrating that there is at least 20km of sediment in this area, clear faulting and ...