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Technical Content

Industry Article
First Break | Peter Kovac, Carlos Cevallos, Jurriaan Feijth © 2016 EAGE | April

Recently there has been renewed interest in the hydrocarbon potential of the Perth Basin in Western Australia. Recent discoveries of gas have shown that there is a working hydrocarbon system within at least the northern and central parts of the basin. In most parts ...

Industry Article
Other | Rob Schouten, Steve Toothill, Steve Thompson, Jo Firth © 2016 | March

The deepwater Gabon South Salt basin represents one of the last underexplored regions of the West African continental margin. A new 25,000-sq km (9,653-sq mi) broadband 3D seismic survey was recently acquired in the basin as part of an integrated eoscience program to support ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Yi Huang, Yang Li, Chang-chun Lee, Sabaresan Mothi, Yan Huang © 2016 SEG | March

Gulf of Mexico (GOM) subsalt imaging often suffers from poor illumination due to salt-related wavefield distortion, even with full-azimuth (FAZ) acquisition. In order to image the weakly illuminated subsalt plays, isolating the signal from the noise is a crucial component of many depth imaging ...

Industry Article
First Break | Guy Oliver, Graham Spence, April Davis, Sergey Stolyarov, David Gadzhimirzaev, Benjamin Ackley, Casey Lipp © 2016 EAGE | February

This case study highlights how the application of an optimized hydraulic fracture stimulation plan, by honoring lateral well geological heterogeneities measured by RoqSCAN, improved completion efficiency and well production within the Cleveland Sandstone formation, Oklahoma, USA.

Industry Article
PESA News | Zhengmin Zhang, Jiwei Jia, Geping Fu, Hao Zhang, David Chow, Barry Hung, Ian Anstey, Wai Leong Lai © 2016 PESA News | February

In this article, we focus on variable-depth streamer acquisition and propose a full broadband processing solution that involves three important components: (a) 3D deghosting; (b) Q estimation using Q-Tomography; (c) Q application via Q pre-stack depth migration (Q-PSDM).

Industry Article
Geophysics | Adel Khalil, Henning Hoeber © 2016 SEG | January

In seismic processing and reservoir characterization we often need to measure relative displacements between different realizations of data. Over the years many methods have been developed utilizing different similarity measuring techniques. Such alignment or warping methods are often effective signal or image processing tools ...

Industry Article
First Break | Ceri Davies, Simon Purvis, Ronald Kenny, Jim Fenton, Vishnu Pandey, Krista Geesaman, Rick Trevino, Christopher Iwobi, Martin Watford, Sushanta Bose © 2015 EAGE | December

In this study on the Mowry and Muddy interval in the Powder River Basin, we have evaluated a number of the controlling factors on productivity and identified those regions with greater prospectivity across the basin. We have combined classic geological disciplines with robust geophysical ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Peter Mesdag, Reza Saberi, Cheran Mangat © 2015 SEG | December

In this paper we discuss a workflow to update low frequency models in time-lapse inversion studies. In this workflow we invert the base seismic survey and the difference between base and monitor survey in two separate inversion runs. The production effects are picked on ...