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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Aurelie Bonin, Gareth Rogers © 2020 EAGE | August

This work investigates the potential of QEMSCAN in assessing the pore structure system. 23 carbonate and clastic samples are analysed using QEMSCAN, which shows a good assessment of the macropore system (pore larger than 10µm). It defines the macropore system volume and delivers pore ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Ivan Gregory, Zsofia Dobo, Farid Ebrahim, James Sinden (CGG) ; Peter McDonnell, Andrew J. S. Wilson (CNOOC International) © 2020 EAGE | August

Using a dense North Sea 4D dataset over the Golden Eagle field, we demonstrate the impact of OBN density on both the 3D and 4D seismic image by migrating progressively sparser node configurations. It is shown that 4D image quality is more sensitive to ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Vincent Prieux, Thomas Bardainne, Adrien Meffre, Herve Prigent (CGG) ; Franciscus Johannes Van Kleef, Muhammad Waqas, Lian Hou (ADNOC Offshore) © 2020 EAGE | August

Challenged by the presence of strong anisotropy and velocity reversal in the near-surface, we apply structurally constrained anisotropic Multi-Wave Inversion (MWI), over 1200 km2 of OBC data offshore Abu Dhabi. MWI aims at simultaneously inverting the P-wave first breaks (FB), the ground roll Dispersion ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Jiawei Mei*, Zhigang Zhang, Feng Lin, Rongxin Huang, Ping Wang (CGG); Cheryl Mifflin (BHP) © 2019 SEG | September

As the key step in subsalt imaging, conventional salt model building has typically relied on manual interpretation of the salt geometry, which proves to be difficult for resolving complex salt models. As a result, subsalt imaging has been approaching a plateau in the last ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Roberto Pereira, Mena Ramzy, Petre Griscenco, Benjamin Huard, Hui Huang, Luis Cypriano, and Adel Khalil © 2019 SEG | September

Areas with complex overburdens pose a major challenge for seismic imaging of deep targets. Reduced illumination can compromise velocity estimation and the image at the target level. A solution to this problem is given by ocean bottom node (OBN) acquisitions. They provide increased illumination ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Florian Jouno, Adriano Martinez, Denis Ferreira, Daniela Donno, and Adel Khalil (CGG) © 2019 SEG | September

Santos Basin has become one of the most prospective oil provinces in the world. Due to the geological complexity, OBN acquisition has emerged as an imaging solution. It provides the full-azimuth and long-offset illumination FWI needs to realize its potential. Given the right data ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yan Liu, Yi Chen, Hongda Ma, Chao Peng (CGG); Gopal Mohapatra, Wisley Martins, Gregory Duncan (Hess), Steve Checkles (Formerly Hess) © 2019 SEG | September

Stampede field is a faulted subsalt four-way reservoir in Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico. Imaging for part of the field has remained challenging due to interference from the complex overburden, which carries large velocity errors and creates non-uniform illumination for the subsalt. Before correcting ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ravi Kumar, Huifeng Zhu, Vivek Vandrasi, Don Dobesh (CGG); Alfredo Vazquez (Pemex) © 2019 SEG | September

In this case study, we discuss the impact of using a not-so-appropriate Wide Azimuth Data (WAZ) data which lacks good usable low frequencies and long offset full azimuth coverage for FWI based model building. We use Time-Lag FWI (TLFWI) demonstrated to be an appropriate ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Diancheng Wang and Ping Wang, CGG © 2019 SEG | September

we present a FWI scheme based on the quadratic Wasserstein metric, with adaptive normalization and integral wavefield. We show that this scheme has better convexity than traditional metrics, and therefore can mitigate cycle-skipping issues, while being insensitive to amplitude effects. We demonstrate the effectiveness ...