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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Anna Leslie, Vincent Durussel, Terence Krishnasamy, Olivier Winter © 2019 SEG | September

The Gini 3D survey, acquired in the summer of 2018 in the Delaware Basin, provided a test area for which this type of design and acquisition could be tested and compared with traditional operations used onshore US. The test was planned to be operationally ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ahmed Mohamed, Vishnu Pandey, Bertrand Six, Kevin Chesser, Vivek Swami, Kit Clemons (LARIO Oil & Gas) © 2019 SEG | September

3D seismic data is only geophysical data which has good lateral sampling. Therefore, the use of seismic data to predict elastic properties away from a well is a widely used process. However transforming these elastic properties into geomechanical and other reservoir properties requires integration ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Peter Mesdag, Leonardo Quevedo © 2019 SEG | September

In this paper we present a practical extension of earlier work on the estimation of anisotropy parameters from isotropic techniques. We will take a closer look at the implications of working with effective elastic parameters in anisotropic (TI) seismic reflection inversion. In particular, for ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | John Pendrel, Henk Schouten © 2019 SEG | September

We use the concepts of entropy and information theory to design a confidence measure for Bayesian facies estimations. Bayesian analyses provide the probabilities of occurrence of each constituent facies in a set. The entropy analysis uses all of these to establish a Confidence Index ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Gaurav Dutta, Hui Huang, Karthik Kanakamedala, Bin Deng, and Ping Wang, CGG © 2019 SEG | September

Interbed multiples cause artifacts in subsurface images because they are incorrectly migrated when using standard primary-based migration algorithms. While surface-related-multiple-elimination has been well established as a standard step in seismic processing, the usage of interbed multiple attenuation (IMA) remains low due to various practical ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Federico Miorelli, Randall Mackie, Wolfgang Soyer (CGG) ; Wolfang Soyer (TOTAL) © 2019 SEG | September

Geophysical imaging in the foothills environment is typically hampered by complex structure, and the high cost of data acquisition in poorly accessible, rugged topography. Seismic imaging is particularly difficult due to poor signal penetration, steeply dipping structures and irregular data coverage. The use of ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Joakim Blanch, Jon Jarvis, Chris Hurren, (BHP), Yan Liu, Lingli Hu (CGG). © 2019 SEG | September

Direct wave arrivals are the most robust signals to determine velocity and consequently they have been used for almost a century in hydrocarbon exploration. The reason is simple as the arrival time is explicitly available. In order to acquire these direct arrivals in a ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Yuan Yao*, Hongda Ma, Yan Liu, Chao Peng (CGG); Gopal Mohapatra, Gregory Duncan, Wisley Martins (Hess), Steve Checkles (Formerly Hess) © 2019 SEG | September

Subsalt imaging at Stampede field in the Gulf of Mexico has remained challenging for decades due to the existence of a large and complex sediment inclusion inside thick tabular salt. Recently, appropriate full-waveform inversion (FWI) algorithms have been developed for automatic salt model updating ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Mark Fan*, R. Chadwick Holmes, and Rob Buehring, Chevron; Bing Bai, Qiaofeng Wu, Yao Zhao, and Serife Bitlis, CGG © 2019 SEG | September

Ideal datasets for stratigraphic interpretation have high resolution, high level of continuity, high S/N, and high amplitude fidelity. In the deep water Gulf of Mexico (DW GOM), detailed geologic interpretation, like faults and channels, for subsalt Wilcox reservoirs is challenging due to complex salt ...