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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Cyril Dolymnyj, Filipe Rudrigues, Amanda Porto, Leandro Galves, Asdrubal Ovalles ©2022 SEG | August

Most seismic surveys carried out in offshore Brazil consist of narrow-azimuth towed-streamer (NATS) acquisitions. In areas such as the South Atlantic offshore basins, the geological complexity results in illumination issues for NATS acquisitions, especially in the deep pre-salt section. Both Full-Waveform Inversion Imaging (FWI ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Diego Costa, Edmarley Ramos, Giuseppe Loconte, Filipe Rudrigues, Olivier Brachet ©2022 SEG | August

Recent technology advancements have enabled us to revisit the Foz do Amazonas (2014) and Barreirinhas (2016) narrow-azimuth towed-streamer (NATS) seismic surveys and tackle specific imaging challenges in a way that the legacy processing could not. In an exploratory frontier such as the Brazilian Equatorial ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Dorothy Ren, Xin He, Siyun Xu, Fei Gao, Feng Lin, Jiawei Mei ©2022 SEG | August

Monument field is located in the northwest part of Walker Ridge in the Gulf of Mexico, with a Paleogene sandstone reservoir ?9 km below sea surface. The complicated overburden of low reflectivity shale bodies and complex salt geometries with steep salt flanks, multi-level weld ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Gordon Poole, Brandon Li, Mattia Miorali, Keith Mills, John Tickle ©2022 SEG | August

Free-surface multiple prediction of land data is challenging due to the unknown downward reflecting free-surface combined with poorly sampled recording of the shallow multiple generators. We use a wave-equation deconvolution approach to derive an image of the shallow multiple generators using the multiple periodicity ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Xiaobo Li, Yonghe Guo, Yi Xie, Barry Hung (CGG) ; Xiaobo Li, Yonghe Guo, Yi Xie, Barry Hung (BP) ©2022 SEG | August

Heavily faulted and karstified carbonate overburden poses potential geohazards for well drilling in West Papua, offshore Indonesia. Hence, high-resolution seismic images that capture geological details, such as karstified faults and small-scale caves within the carbonate, are highly desirable. In this study, two aspects play ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Zhen Wang, Meisen Mei, Zhuocheng Yang (CGG) ; Joakim Blanch, Ezequiel Genova, Juan-Mauricio Florez-Nino, Humberto Salazar-Soto, Alfredo Vazquez-Cantu (PEMEX) ©2022 SEG | August

The Trion field in the western Gulf of Mexico (GoM) exhibits folded sediment beddings and strong attenuation bodies, which pose great challenges for seismic imaging. After a decade of processing effort employing the latest imaging technology, the available towed-streamer data for this area hit ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Bleddyn Davies, Thibault Le Canu, Michael Harrison (CGG) ; Ghada Almoulani, Suresh Thampi (Tatweer Petroleum) ©2022 SEG | August

Targeting of stratigraphic traps is rapidly becoming a successful exploration strategy, especially in relatively mature basins where a high proportion of structural traps have been tested. The development of robust geological and trap models, integrated with the results of seismic inversion, are key steps ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Thibaut Allemand, Anna Sedova, Gilles Lambare, Patrice Guillaume (CGG) ; Damien Grenié (previously in CGG) ©2020 EAGE | August

An incorrect anisotropy in the Full Wave Inversion (FWI) velocity model leads to imperfect Common Image Gather (CIG) flatness. The main difficulty in the anisotropy estimation through FWI is the strong coupling with velocity. While FWI jointly updating velocity and anisotropy has been proposed ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Anna Sedova, Olivier Leblanc, Thibaut ALLEMAND, Gilles Lambare, Stephane Pellerin, Daniela Donno ©2022 SEG | August

Seismic imaging is particularly challenging in the Middle East. The shallow geology is often characterized by strong velocity contrasts from layered sands and carbonates that create multiples and mode conversions. Capturing these velocity variations is essential for accurate imaging. While re-cent developments in full-waveform ...