Southeast Asia
Gain regional insight with 2D seismic and potential fields data
Our Southeast Asia multi-client data library integrates the latest offerings from Viridien to produce comprehensive resources for explorers in the area. A one-stop shop, the library includes high-end, new and reprocessed 2D seismic, Airborne Gravity Gradiometry (AGG), and an integrated geological study.
These diverse products allow a better understanding of this geologically complex and largely underexplored area, allowing explorers to reduce exploration risk and reveal the significant exploration potential.

- BandaSeis Phases I–V: 2D BroadSeis™ data in the Banda Arc region, providing stunning images for geological modeling of this complex area.
- Carabao: over 8,500 kilometers of new 2D BroadSeis PSTM data offshore Philippines and complementary marine gravity and magnetic data acquired and processed in parallel with the seismic.
- Bade AGG: over 28,000 square kilometers of Falcon® AGG data within the Papua Foreland Basin, allowing explorationists to correlate structures and stratigraphy to assess the prospectivity of the region.

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