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Technical Abstract

Resolving the Challenges of Imaging Steeply-dipping Reservoirs against a Complex Salt Diapir

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The Mungo field in the North Sea is both structurally and stratigraphically complex. Despite improvements of OBC acquisition over the legacy towed streamer data interpretational challenges, particularly with respect to the salt geometry, remained. To achieve the required step-change in imaging within the project’s short timeframe, a high degree of technical content had to be adopted by employing a robust pre-processing sequence, including up-down deconvolution, along with an iterative approach to the velocity model build, utilising GWI, FWI, high-density tomography and anisotropic information derived from the PS data.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


T. Matic, J. Kosky, D. Gorna, J. Holden, R. Refaat (CGG) ; P. Tillotson, D. Davies, R. Gooder (BP)




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