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Technical Abstract

Optimal Transport Full Waveform Inversion - Applications

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While full waveform inversion (FWI) has imposed itself as a privileged velocity model building tool in areas investigated by diving waves, it is still penalized by its sensitivity to cycle skipping. Among the various strategies proposed to mitigate the problem, optimal transport (OT) FWI appears as one of the most successful industrial solutions. In order to illustrate this status we review a set of marine and land applications of multi-dimensional (in data space, not to be confused with the velocity model dimensionality) OT-FWI. Compared to classical FWI, we confirm a relaxed sensitivity to cycle skipping with in addition an update that goes deeper in the model (areas investigated by reflections) and an improved structural consistency.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers


Diego Carotti, Olivier Hermant, Sylvain Masclet, Mathieu Reinier, Jeremie Messud, Anna Sedova, Gilles Lambare




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