Technical Abstract
Delineating Geothermal Structure from 3D Joint Inversion of MT and Gravity Data
Back to Technical ContentWe have implemented 3D faults as discontinuity surfaces, of finite extent, in the RLM-3D inversion regularization, and used the scheme during both 3D cooperative and cross-gradient joint inversions of geothermal MT and gravity data, firstly for synthetic model, and then for the Sorik Marapi graben. Through integrated, quantitative modeling of multiple geophysical data types over geothermal fields, now including faults as sharp discontinuities, we facilitate geologically and structurally reliable multi-property 3D earth models that consistently explain the observations of all geophysical dataset.
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EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and EngineersAuthors
Wolfgang Soyer, Randall Mackie, Stephen Hallinan, Federico Miorelli, Alice Pavesi