Industry Article
Nordkapp TopSeis/node acquisition - Lessons from a modelling study
Back to Technical ContentBased on an extensive 3D modelling study utilising full-wavefield Finite-Difference modelling and Full-Waveform Inversion (FWI) we demonstrate that the TopSeis/OBN hybrid acquisition acquired from May to August 2021 in the Nordkapp basin in the Barents Sea has the potential to image salt flanks and sedimentary details, given an accurate initial model in the shallow and a carefully designed deblending and FWI workflow. As a part of this we demonstrate that the large offsets and multi-azimuth recorded by the ocean bottom nodes are crucial to image the complex salt diapirism in the area including the steeply dipping flanks.
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Vetle Vinje, Hao Jiang, Nicolas Salaun (CGG) ; Jan-Erik Lie, Per Eivind Dhelie, Vidar Danielsen (Lundin Energy Norway AS)