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Environmental Data Intelligence

Optimize your Energy Transition decision-making by leveraging our environmental science databank

Integrate our remote sensing, environmental, Earth and data science expertise with business and strategic information to deliver environmental-led intelligence. Capitalizing on our environmental science databank, which encompasses over 850 million files, we deliver leading subject-matter expertise in:

  • Climate, healthy ecosystems, land intelligence, and nature-based solutions
  • Machine leaning and advanced data analytics 
  • Earth observation data, analysis and interpretation
  • High-performance computing (HPC)

High-performance climate modeling tailored to support risk management

Full-complexity, physics-based climate models and products for forecasting applications in the in the energy, insurance and financial service markets. 

We are currently looking for partners to demonstrate how Viridien climate forecasts can positively transform your approach to risk modeling and management.

Learn more and register your interest

Utilize our Natural Insights tool for smart site selection

Optimal site selection for nature-based carbon offset schemes or renewable energy developments requires a detailed analysis of environmental and socio-economic factors and constraints. Natural Insights identifies those areas best suited to these projects while maintaining nature in the decision-making process. The tool enables customizable site ranking data interrogation, such as: 

  • Habitat classification
  • Migration routes
  • Landscape mapping
  • Environmental risk from flooding, landslides, etc.
  • Buildings, private land and areas of natural beauty 
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