Drug Discovery
Drug discovery and development is often characterized by lengthy timelines, high costs and inherent risks. To gain a competitive edge, researchers must shift their reliance from laboratory experimentation to computational simulation and modeling, enabling thorough exploration of all scenarios and validation of hypotheses. Furthermore, efficient handling and interpretation of vast datasets from diverse sources — including clinical studies, next-generation sequencing and different modalities of imaging, is paramount.

HPC, AI and Cloud for Drug Discovery
Our HPC and Cloud solutions provide high-performance architecture and a fully configured software environment designed to address demands for computational-intensive workloads in life sciences. Seamlessly integrate with your applications to run and harness the capabilities of industry-leading tools such as GROMACS and CP2K.
With Viridien experts managing the intricacies of cloud computing and infrastructure, researchers are liberated to conduct more accurate simulations and unlock insights to expedite the discovery of novel therapies that revolutionize patient care.
Get in contact to discover how Viridien can reduce your cost of experimentation, offer predictable pricing aligned to your KPIs, and support your next drug discovery breakthrough.

Biosimulytics Case Study: Accelerating Drug Molecule Simulation
Viridien’s HPC Cloud and software optimization helps accelerate Biosimulytics molecule simulations to expedite time to market for new drugs. Peter Doyle, CEO of Biosimulytics, recently reflected on the collaboration: “Our partnership with Viridien has proven to be a game-changer, thanks to the substantial enhancements we’ve made to our codes. This marks just the initial stages of our exciting journey.”

HPC Perspectives: AI & The New Frontier of Drug Discovery
Embark on a journey through the cutting-edge world of drug discovery and artificial intelligence (AI) with Gemma Holliday, Associate Principle Cheminformatician, AstraZeneca, and Natalia Jimenez, PhD, Global Life Sciences Industry Lead, Viridien. Discover how data and AI are revolutionizing the pharmaceutical landscape, uncovering new insights, and propelling medical innovation forward.
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