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CGG Launches TailingsPulse Monitoring Solution for Tailings Storage Facilities

Paris, France | Nov 8, 2021

CGG has launched TailingsPulse™, a smart mine monitoring solution for improving the management and safety of tailings storage facilities (TSFs). The new multi-method monitoring solution provides mine operators with actionable intelligence throughout the lifecycle of TSFs. 

Dave Priestley, VP, Energy Transition & Environment, CGG, said: “TailingsPulse eliminates blind spots and helps mine operators optimize TSF management and mitigate associated risks. Its launch expands our established portfolio of Mineral & Mining Services and builds on our successful MineScope™ Earth observation intelligence service. Combined with our leading multi-physics imaging expertise, advanced instrumentation and real-time measurements, CGG is in a unique position to support the responsible management of mineral resources and associated waste.”

TailingsPulse characterizes and monitors TSFs and their surrounding environments in unprecedented detail. At the heart of this offering is CGG’s expert provision, processing and analysis of Earth observation data, which delivers crucial remote, wide-area monitoring of the surface characteristics and behavior of a TSF. Detailed 3D multi-physics imaging – of drone, airborne or ground data – provides subsurface attributes related to structure, seepage and ground water contamination. Enhanced monitoring is provided by Sercel S-scan passive seismic technologies and real-time measurements of strain and temperature, for early warning of evolving hazards deep within the TSF.

The launch of TailingsPulse is timely given the introduction of the new Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management to strengthen current practices, with the ultimate goal of zero harm to people and the environment from tailings facilities. The predicted surge in demand for critical metals needed for the energy transition, and the associated increase in mining waste production, is also intensifying the focus on TSF management and safety. 

By leveraging CGG’s suite of digital technologies, TailingsPulse provides a unique perspective on the health of TSFs using remote methods which do not impact the efficiency of operations or increase HSE exposure. This enhanced situational awareness facilitates the safe and responsible management of TSFs and ensures that the industry is better placed to achieve its sustainability goals and meet regulatory requirements.

Click here for more information.

The TailingsPulse multi-method monitoring solution provides a range of integratable data, including real-time monitoring, to facilitate the safe and responsible management of tailings storage facilities (image courtesy of CGG).