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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | K. McCluskey, A. Varghese, J. Schultzen, C. Henstock (CGG); M. Naerheim, B. Lyngnes, L. Bencherif-Soerensen, V. Flataas (ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS)) © 2019 EAGE | June

Gas absorption causes anelastic effects (described by the quality factor Q) and is a well-known source of amplitude loss and phase distortion in seismic data. Advances in our full waveform inversion technology mean it is now possible to compensate for phase distortion and amplitude ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Celine Lacombe, Henning Hoeber, Vimol Souvannavong, Miroslaw Blaszczak, Priyabrata Pradhan © 2019 EAGE | June

Seismic data must be optimally processed for accurate reservoir characterization, and therefore each step of the processing sequence should be carefully designed and assessed for AVA compliance and primary preservation. In this paper, we focus on the demultiple, a critical step as it can ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Arash Jafargandomi, Ololade Bukola, Ramez Refaat, Henning Hoeber © 2019 EAGE | June

In principle, high quality pre-stack converted wave (PS) data can provide valuable complementary information to PP data to highlight seismic amplitude anomalies in areas with complex imaging problems such as steeply dipping structures and obscured areas. However, in practice, we often find that PS ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | S. Wolfarth, D. Priyambodo (BP) ; P. Deng, X. Li, S. Cao, F. Loh, B. Hung (CGG) © 2019 EAGE | June

Well planning is one of the most demanding aspects of drilling engineering for hydrocarbons. Hence, seismic exploration objectives often require the interpretation of the seismic image as early as possible to facilitate well planning. This task becomes challenging when one needs to employ advanced ...

Industry Article
First Break | Geoffrey Dorn © 2019 EAGE | May

The interpretation of fault surfaces is key to understanding the subsurface geology represented in 3D seismic volumes. The geologic structure represented by seismic reflections can be auto-tracked in the volume. Faults, however, are imaged as discontinuities or changes in curvature in the seismic data ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Fabien Allo © 2019 SEG | May

The paper presents a review of classic rock physics models used for clastic sedimentary rocks and how they have been combined into extended models through the introduction of a few parameters associated with a compositional or textural property of the rock. The models are ...

Industry Article
Oilfield Technology | Jo Firth, Priyabrata Pradhan © 2019 Palladian Publications Ltd | March

In recent years, there have been many rapid developments in subsurface imaging, meaning that even data sets that are only two or three years old can benefit from reprocessing. Reprocessing older data, either on its own or in combination with new data, is both ...

Industry Article
Geo Expro | Peter Baillie, Paul Carter, Jarrad Grahame, Joe Zhou, Nigel Mudge © 2019 GeoPublishing Ltd | March

The world-class oil and gas fields of the Gippsland Basin, with original recoverable reserves of more than four billion barrels of oil and around ten trillion cubic feet of gas, were discovered following a 1962 2D seismic survey. Despite considerable exploration, it has long ...