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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Chenghai Jiao, FongCheen Loh, Yitao Chen, Xiaobo Li, Xusong Wang, Yi Xie, Joe Zhou, CGG; Nguyen Lam, Anh and Vu Van Khuong, Vietsovpetro © 2017 SEG | September

The oil-bearing fractured granite basement rocks form a very important and complicated hydrocarbon reservoir in Cuu Long basin offshore Vietnam. However, the poor fractured basement imaging in the conventional tow streamer data makes it hard for detailed interpretation and future well placement. To improve ...

Industry Article
American Oil & Gas Reporter | Graham Spence, Adriana Perez, Paola Fonseca, Liz Roller, Austin Heape © 2017 | September

DALLAS–The great land grab in the Midland Basin has resulted in an exponential increase in acreage prices, with buyers paying up to $60,000 an acre in some cases. In this competitive environment, oil and gas companies–particularly smaller independents–are starting to look for prospective areas ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Dongping Zhuang, Guangfu Shao, Adel Khalil (CGG); Bertram Nolte, Pedro Paramo, Kareem Vincent (BP) © 2017 SEG | September

Deblending shallow water OBC data can be challenging. High blending fold, strong early arrivals, shear wave energy, and background noise all add to the complexity of the problem. Using an offshore Trinidad OBC survey, including dual and triple sources, we demonstrate the effectiveness of ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Ananya Roy, Lin Zheng, Xin Hu, CGG ; Robin Pearson, Ernesto V. Oropeza, Sarah Mueller, Mark Chang, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation © 2017 SEG | September

The Wolfcamp reservoir of the Permian Basin has recently generated interest for its potentially vast oil and gas reserves. Imaging this reservoir using seismic data is challenging despite the uncomplicated geology at reservoir depth, because the near-surface in this region is complex. In this ...

Industry Article
Interpretation (SEG+AAPG) | Ping Wang, Shouting Huang, And Ming Wang © 2017 SEG | August

Complex overburdens often distort reservoir images in terms of structural positioning, stratigraphic resolution, and amplitude fidelity. One prime example of a complex overburden is in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico, where thick and irregular layers of remobilized (i.e., allochthonous) salt are situated above prospective ...

Industry Article
First Break | Vivek Swami, Graham Spence, Theophile Gentilhomme, Robert Bachman, Mark Letizia, Casey Lipp © 2016 EAGE | July

This study is based on work performed on horizontal wells in the Cleveland Sandstone Formation. Previous work describes the technique of using automated, quantitative mineralogy (RoqScan) to analyse drill cuttings and derive rock property and elastic pseudo-logs to customize completion designs. We expand on ...

Technical Abstract
SBGf - Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica | Frank Pereira, Ted Holden, Mohamed Ibrahim, Eduardo Porto © 2017 | July

Deterministic seismic inversion methods have been successfully used in many exploration and production projects in the petroleum industry. Some of the benefits of these methods are: the inverted impedances are rock properties tightly calibrated with well data; the seismic inversion process itself attenuates the ...

Industry Article
First Break | Vetle Vinje, Risto Siliqi, Carl-inge Nilsen, Erik Hicks, Anne Dagny Camerer, Jan Erik Lie, Vidar Danielsen, Per-Eivind Dhelie © 2017 EAGE | June

In this paper we present a new source-over-cable marine seismic acquisition technique that initially was developed to meet imaging challenges of the Loppa High in the Norwegian Barents Sea. Two seismic vessels operate in tandem; one streamer vessel towing a spread of deep, densely ...

Technical Abstract
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers | Mathieu Reinier, Jeremie Messud, Patrice Guillaume, Thomas Rebert © 2017 EAGE | June

We demonstrate a recently developed method for computing tomography model uncertainties and mapping them into the migrated domain. The method generates after the final tomography a series of equi-probable velocity model perturbations within a standard deviation confidence level. This allows computing standard deviation-like attributes ...