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Technical Content

Technical Abstract
Conference (other) | Daniela Pandolfi, Jean-marc Michel, Benjamin Roure, Abdulnaser Abousetta, Mohamed Abdulla, Ghada Al Moulani © 2016 | November

The Amplitude Versus Azimuthal AVAZ analysis has proved to be an important tool for characterizing fracture distributions and orientations of hydrocarbon reservoirs. This paper is aiming at the application of this tool for characterizing the fractures in Bahrain field reservoirs. Better understanding of faults ...

Industry Article
Interpretation (SEG+AAPG) | Bingmu Xiao, Nadezhda Kotova, Samuel Bretherton, Andrew Ratcliffe, Gregor Duval, Chris Page, Owen Pape © 2016 SEG | November

We present a FWI case study from offshore Gabon of an extremely large dataset covering an area ~25,000 km2, demonstrating that FWI can be applied to this size of survey in a timely manner. The history of the South Gabon basin is complex, leading ...

Industry Article
The Leading Edge | Florian Duret, Frederique Bertin, Katia Garceran, Raphael Sternfels, Thomas Bardainne, Nicolas Deladerriere, David Le Meur © 2016 SEG | November

In addition to conventional P-wave refraction tomography, we propose a workflow based on the complementary use of Rayleigh waves. We develop a surface wave processing sequence to determine the S-wave near surface velocity field, which can be used as a constraint for P-wave tomography ...

Industry Article
First Break | Jo Firth, Thomas Mensch, Krzysztof Cichy © 2016 EAGE | November

The current climate in the oil exploration industry has engendered a strong push towards efficiency in acquisition. One technique that offers this is synchronized simultaneous sources, or SyncSource, where sources are fired before completion of recording the data from the previous shot. This may ...

Technical Abstract
PETEX / PESGB - Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain | © 2016 | November

Recent discoveries in the Pil and Bue prospects, targeting Melke and Rogn Formation sandstones on the footwall of the Vingleia Fault complex, have rejuvenated interest in exploration around the Frøya High region. The wildcat well, 6406/12-3 S (Pil 1), with estimated resources of 8.8-21.1 ...

Technical Abstract
Conference (other) | Shraddha Chatterjee, Bertrand Six, Jean-marc Michel, Matthew Burresson © 2016 | November

Porosity estimation using EMERGE for an onshore Abu Dhabi field. CGG processed the seismic and it was followed by seismic inversion. The P-impedance was further used in predicting the porosity. This porosity result very helpful to client to well planning and drilling to target ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Kiki Hong Xu, Brian Russell, Kris Innanen © 2016 SEG | October

The characteristics of lithologic reservoirs, such as complex channels with distinctly lateral variations and variable thickness, make such reservoir features difficult to identify when using conventional geostatistical methods or applying seismic attribute methods. To decrease the uncertainty and improve the lateral distribution of the ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Gordon Poole, Simon King © 2016 SEG | October

Free-surface datum variations cause complications for hydrophone only receiver deghosting algorithms that assume a horizontal free-surface. We describe a multi-shot receiver deghosting approach that derives a tau-psht-prec model of ghost free data at mean free-surface datum. The model is derived so as to simultaneously ...

Technical Abstract
SEG - Society of Exploration Geophysicists | Min Wang, Yi Xie, Weiquan Xu, Kefeng Xin, Boon Leng Chuah, Fong Cheen Loh, Tad Manning, Simon Wolfarth © 2016 SEG | October

In this paper, we develop Dynamic-warping Full Waveform Inversion (D-FWI) to address cycle skipping problem which is a well-known challenging issue in conventional FWI. The dynamic warping technique is used to detect the travel time difference between the predicted and the observed wave fields ...